Dec 11 |
Dec 12 |
Dec 13 |
Time |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
8:00AM |
M-W-F 8:00AM |
M-W-F 9:00AM |
T-R 8:00AM |
10:15AM |
M-W-F 10:00AM |
T-R 9:30AM |
M-W-F 11:00AM |
12:30PM |
M-W-F 12:00PM |
Multiple Section |
T-R 12:00PM |
2:45PM |
T-R 1:30PM |
M-W-F 1:00PM |
M-W-F 2:00PM |
7:15PM |
W & R Night Class |
M & T Night Class |
CAE accommodations for testing will be throughout the entire week at arranged times when applicable.
The testing period remains 120 minutes with a 15-minute break between sessions.
Note: If a multiple-section course gives the student a fourth test on any given day, the multiple-section course instructor must provide a make-up exam for the students during the regularly scheduled test time.